
AMD Starts Ryzen 3000G APU Production Once Again

Many of the older gen Ryzen APUs have almost died in the market or are even more expensive than the latest APUs that bring superior performance for the same or less price. However, AMD is deciding to bring back some of the older APUs.

According to Board Channel Forums, as reported by ITHome, AMD is coming back with the Ryzen 3000G APUs for the low-end PC market. Yes, this is surprising but AMD is not going to sell these APUs individually because according to the report, AMD is planning to sell these APUs in a bundle with A320 and B450 chipset motherboards.

While there seems to be no restriction for selling these bundles around the world, this strategy will mostly benefit the Chinese market for which AMD is supposedly preparing 30,000 Ryzen APUs. While this may sound interesting, there is a big problem with the pricing.

If you remember, Ryzen 3200G and 3400G were launched for $100 and $150 respectively, and currently, both of them are available on retail stories for the same MSRP or sometimes a little less. At the same time, we have Ryzen 4600G and 5600G selling for the same price range and they are significantly superior to Ryzen 3000G APUs in both specs and performance.

This means AMD must reduce the pricing of 3000G APUs drastically to make them sell better. As per WCCftech, it is estimated that both 3200G and 3400G will be selling for way lower than $100. So, if this is the case, then these APUs can have a chance to sell well considering if the 3200G is sold for no more than $70 and the 3400G for a maximum of $80-85.

Considering that AMD is bundling them with A320 and B450 motherboards, this should have a pretty good discount for customers as these boards are still available in good quantity even after several years of their launch.

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